New unique project: The Best Country in 2012
Jan 25 2011

11 months remained until 2012. Do you believe in doomsday? Whatever it was that date will be remembered as special date forever. At the eve of this date, we hold public opinion poll to identify the best country in the world in 2012. We give you a unique chance to express your opinion and support the country that you think will be the best country in the world in 2012. Your name will be remained on pages of the site and will become a history forever.

Many of us, one way or another, think about things which don't satisfy them in their life and very often they associate them with the country they live in. How many times the idea to see the world came into your mind, to visit foreign countries and find a place where you feel good and happy? And how many times do you imagine that you leave everything behind and will go somewhere far away?

Public opinion polls are held all over the world to identify the country which is the best for living. These enquiries are based on computer models which help to determine the position of the country in the rating of the world best. Typically the following factors are examined: economical growth, average wage, rate of inflation, population growth and many others. But think about how exactly the growth of the population or average wage affects your happiness? What is the reason of the change of these data from year to year? Don’t you think that the reason is you? How many times have you been asked which country is the best on your opinion and why?

A person may be happy and satisfied in spite of those factors which are taken into consideration in rating determination. The purpose of the current project is to provide the opportunity to express your opinion and support the country which you consider the best in the world.

We are convinced that only together we can determine the best country in the world! You can find more details about the project here.

Millions of people will know you!

1st project started: The Happiest Patriot Diploma
Oct 22 2010

Every one of us is a patriot of his country. We love our country in spite of the fact that we are not satisfied with many things in it.

We offer everyone who wish to print, cut out and put on the wall at his home or in the office a diploma certifying that he is the happiest patriot of his beloved country!

And nobody will dare to tell you anything against it. Be proud of your Diploma because you are the first!

Our 1st day together
Oct 1 2010

Today is 1 October 2010 birthday of YUSCH.

In Japanese language “yusch” means “implicit acceptance of other people's opinions”. And we, knowing about your wishes to entertain yourself with something new, tell YUSCH to the craziest ideas.

Stay with us, let’s have fun together!