You have found The Secret Page! With a pleasure we give you this story:

-So, Listen to me! Don’t shout! Stop screaming! Let’s finally solve this problem! – yelled a stout man into the innumerable crowd. Endless shouts and quarrels depressed him. He felt nervous and irritated. He wished to agree to something and live somehow after it.

-I know everything! – Shrieked a woman looked like a man – I’m an honored member of the state scientific research organization “Horns and Hooves” and the head of international association for tax levies “Bring yourself”! The problem is in human greed! If it were not for the selfish wish of everybody we…

-Atmosphere pollution! You pollute the atmosphere! – Somebody was screaming from behind.

-No! The problem is in the corruption! – Somebody was waving with the hands.

A handsome but, bloated young man cry out the same word over and over again accompanied his shouts with typical movements of his hips – Not enough fucking! Not enough fucking!! Not enough fucking!!

-Blame men! All men are assholes!

-The problem is in drugs!


-Hard wastes!

-Global warming got to the minds of intellectuals!

Then again it became difficult to distinguish certain phrases. Fighting and swearing started again. The crowd roared and started moving right left. People were shouting, squealing, waving with their hands, pushing each other, venting anger on each other. That could last forever. But suddenly somebody’s timid voice flew like a tender breeze over the crowd and made everybody wake up to reality:

-Your only problem is that everybody agrees that humanity HAS a problem. Don’t worry I’ll tie myself to a tree!

-Hey! How did he manage to get out of the concrete pit! Let’s burn him! How dare he to interrupt the worldwide hearing on determination of the main problem of the humanity! – Eyes of a stout man became bloodshot and glittered with rage.

-HE is our problem! Kill him! – The whole crowd around that man took up this word.

The crowd dispersed slowly. Happy people were hugging each other, holding hands and singing songs.

–Hooray! Finally we’ll live a good life…