Life is a very complicated and important thing and you should take it seriously. We also treat our life seriously and responsibly, that’s why we try to throw the veil of everyday life, turn it inside out. Jack will provide us with crazy idea, Oleg will build a machine, Nina will add fun, Ann will give everybody the opportunity to do it.

Our aim is to give you cheerful self-confidence, inspiration, a chance to feel your unique personality.

July 2001 went to the end. The weather was clear and sunny. Moscow State University opened its doors for its new students, who had just passed the last entrance exam.

Jack Jack was thinking about his nearest future. It seemed to be carefree and joyful. His cherished dream had just come true- he broke free. He succeeds in achieving his goal contrary to his relatives and fellows’ expectations. His passion to mathematics and computers got satisfaction. He left the past behind. And he was free to do everything he wished to. Ahead there were new discoveries, achievements, friends, communication and love. All was for the first time: colors were bright, feelings were thrilling, he longed to venture and affairs.

Oleg was crazy about programming. A computer was one of his nest friends since early childhood. At that moment the world stood on the threshold of new era, era of information technology development. Millions of ideas appeared in head. Networking, algorithms, data transfer protocol, operating system, server for messaging, processors, scope of disk space, laser drive, LCD monitors, cell phones, portable player, communicators, software of all types – all these had just begun appear. All was breathtaking. People around were crazy about it here in Moscow. Oleg finally felt like a duck to water.

Jack Nina was mad about night clubs and parties. Her brother, the dearest person to her, who was always an example to her, had been studying at Moscow State University for 2 years already. And she finally was in his environment. New friends, new DJs, new music styles, new parties and clubs… and complete freedom. She hastened to live and enjoy life, she wished to try everything and at once, that day, that moment.

Ann was the youngest and studied at the other university. She has her own story, her truth. She has her own interests in life, joy and aspirations. She is not like they are. They are so different and so much alike in their wish to live and achieve results. They met each other and became friends and it was not by chance.

Many things happened since that time. And now we are a strong firm team. Any task is a trifle to us. We aren’t afraid of failures and don’t turn off the path and always move into right direction.

Take your time to live! You are the only author of your life story!